Our biggest sale of year 2018. This is a historic event for Renegade Classics Tucson! 10 years in business in Tucson and 10 years of brotherhood with the biker community. We have met and equiped thousands and thousands of you guys over the years, and we are grateful for the support and friendship we have received from you in good times and in tough times. We celebrate with this big-ass sale.

10 years in business in a world where online giants are making bank and downtown retail stores are dying… That has not always been an easy ride. But we have survived so far, and we hope to be there for at least another 10 years before the Amazon drones kill us from the sky!

The one thing our brothers and sisters in the biking community tell us is that they can come to Renegade Classics and leave the store with exactly what they needed: fitting well, looking good, protecting as needed. Helmets must fit right, tight and snug; You can’t buy a helmet online and hope for the best. You gotta try them on, and be advised by trained people.

Jodie, Ashley, Bob, Rob and myself keep training on our products and learning their strengths and weaknesses, their technical specifications and how to use them. That’s how we can continue serving you usefully.

Sometimes we screw up: we can be abrasive, or gruffy, or just not warm-hearted enough. In those (rare) occasions, we appreciate your forgiveness. Forget it, ride on! Hey, we’re humans and that’s all there is to it. Tomorrow, we’ll be better and overall, we ain’t so bad.

We thank you for your positive reviews on the web. When you drop a good review for us, that helps us survive in the tough MMA-style fight of Downtown Retail vs. Corporate America. So keep on writing!

BOTTOM LINE: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! See you at the store, March 17 and 18, with big-ass discounts on almost everything we carry.

Allan, Jodie, Ashley, Bob, Rob

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