Gift cards never go wrong

Hey, you don’t know what to offer your significant one for Christmas or for his/her B-Day? Don’t sweat it. Swing by Renegade Tucson, buy a gift card and offer it with a ribbon around it!

Why sweat bullets to find the right jacket, the right chaps, the right bandana, the right helmet or the right pair of boots in the right size? Leave the person a choice! Just give her a beautiful gift card with a lovely handwritten note: “Honey, you be the better judge of what you want, just enjoy!”

Not sure of the right size? Yeah, you’re not alone. Biking clothes are not exactly standard sizes. They are usually a bit bigger to accommodate layers of clothes.  And as to helmets, forget buying one without trying it on: a perfect recipe for failure. There is no standard fitting for a helmet. So let’em try it on and don’t run the risk of ordering online.

Gift card are always the right gift at the right time!